by Ryan Dawson
Well, the major networks are all owned by different corporations. These corporations have vested interest in the largest umbrella corporation on earth, the military industrial complex, or one might say the industries involved in weapons manufacturing, reconstruction, energy, ect everything that has a pay check tied to the allocation of money to the military. Corporations have "Boards of Directors" However the same people may serve on multiple "Board of Directors." and they do as I will explain.
For Example CBS is owned by Viacom; so is MTV, VH1, and Nickelodeon. It's not just the news but the sitcoms and such as well that are part of the propaganda. Viacom is owned by Sumner Redstone. (originally Murray Rothstein) CNN is owned by AOL-TimeWarner. Warner Brothers is owned by Gerald Levin who is also part of the Trilateral Commission. ABC is owned by Disney. Disney is owned by Michael Eisner. Fox is owned by the Rupert Murdoch News Corporation. MSNBC is obviously influenced by Microsoft who holds 18% of the company but it was founded by none other than the corporate welfare sucking G.E. (who is deeply invested in the Israeli occupation). GE Universal is run by Edgar Bronfman, Jr the son of Edgar Bronfman president of the World Jewish Congress.
Members of the board of directors of these corporations sit on the board of directors of the weapons manufactures and mega companies like Texaco, Chevron, Boeing, Lockheed, Citigroup, Rockwell Automation, Chase, Worldcom, and JP Morgan, Haliburton etc.
Some are even in the government. For Example Chevron/Texaco merged with Unocal who got the largest and first no-bid contracts from Afghanistan. The Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, was on the Board of Directors for Chevron/Texaco. They even named an oil tanker after her. Lets look at some of this mess:
John H. Biggs sits on the board of directors for both Boeing and JP Morgan & Chase. How nice to direct both a company and two banks. John E. Bryson is on the BOD with Boeing and also He is a director of The Walt Disney Company, who owns ABC. Linda Z. Cook the CEO of Shell is also on the BOD of Boeing. More on Boeing here. Disgusting isn't it?!?
Lockheed Martin
Lockheed is comprised of mainly ex-military and x-government employees in the defense industry. They got caught in the 70s financing the right-wing party the LDP in Japan who has open connections ot the Yakuza the Mafia times 100. Check out the Kodama Lackheed scandal. They paid this mobster Kodama of the Yamaguchi-gume Yakuza wing (the largest one) 2 million in 1976 dollars to swing contracts for Lockheed. It's a well known scandal in Japan as it was so disgraceful that 1)the Japanese government is full of mafia and 2) they got money from the very same company that built the planes that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan. More here.
Dick (45 million in Halliburton) Cheney's wife was on the BOD of Lockheed until 2001! Unbelievable, and Lockheed for the past 7 years in a row has gotten the largest government contracts normally tens of billions. Here is a list from 2005 back to 2000. As you can see Boeing is in second every year.
Top 20 defense contracts for 2005
1 Lockheed Martin Corp. $20 billion
2 Boeing Co. 18.8 billion
3 Northrop Grumman Corp. 13.7 billion
4 General Dynamics Corp. 11.1 billion
5 Raytheon Co. 9.4 billion
6 Halliburton Co. 5.9 billion
7 United Technologies Corp. 4.9 billion
8 L-3 Communications Holdings 4.8 billion
9 Carlyle Group 2.7 billion
10 SAIC 2.7 billion
11 BAE Systems 2.6 billion
12 General Electric Co. 2.5 billion
13 Computer Sciences Corp. 2.4 billion
14 Humana Inc. 2.2 billion
15 Textron Inc. 2.1 billion
16 Occupational Health Services 2 billion
17 ITT Industries 1.9 billion
18 Triwest Healthcare Alliance Co. 1.8 billion
19 URS Corp. 1.5 Billion
20 Bechtel Group Inc. 1.5 billion
Top 20 defense contracts for 2004
Lockheed Martin Corporation $20,690,912,117
The Boeing Company $17,066,412,718
Northrup Grumman Corporation $11,894,090,277
General Dynamics Corporation $9,563,280,236
Raytheon Company $8,472,813,918
Halliburton Company $7,996,793,706
United Technologies Corporation $5,056,937,646
Science Applications International $2,450,781,108
Computer Sciences Corporation $2,390,806,128
Humana, INC $2,372,078,226
L-3 Communications Holding, INC $2,260,292,852
BAE Systems PLC $2,192,647,377
Health Net, INC $1,899,824,940
General Electric Company, INC $1,822,720,199
Bechtel Group, INC $1,742,470,267
Bell Boeing Joint Program $1,539,815,440
ITT Industries, INC $1,539,742,075
Electronic Data Systems Corp $1,538,272,307
Honeywell International, INC $1,462,914,723
Carlyle Group $1,442,680,416
Top 10 defense contracts in 2002 before the Iraq war.
1 Lockheed Martin Corp. $17.0 billion
2 Boeing Co. $16.6 billion
3 Northrop Grumman Corp. $8.7 billion
4 Raytheon Co. $7.0 billion
5 General Dynamics Corp. $7.0 billion
6 United Technologies Corp. $3.6 billion
7 Science Applications International Corp. $2.1 billion
8 TRW Inc. $2.0 billion
9 Health Net, Inc. $1.7 billion
10L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. $1.7 billion
1 15. Billion Lockheed Martin Corp. 15,130,223,000
2 13. Billion Boeing Co. 13,595,338,000
3 11. Billion Northrop Grumman Corp. 11,122,116,000
4 5.8 Billion Raytheon Co. 5,875,142,000
5 5.5 Billion General Dynamics Corp. 5,213,835,000
6 3.6 Billion United Technologies Corp. 3,678,345 ,000
7 1.9 Billion TRW Inc. 1,970,383,000
8 1.7 Billion SAIC 1,774,863,000
9 1.6 Billion General Electric Co. 1,682,903,000
10 1.4 Billion Carlyle Group 1,413,968,000
As you can See every Year Lockheen Martain is at the top by a large gap followed by Boeing and Northrup Grumman Corporation. Notice that Carlyle and General Electric and Halliburton are in there as well. We are giving them BILLIONS, actually tens of Billions Almost as much as what Churches send to Israel.
I got these figures from their own fricking websites. Go ahead and comb them with a fine tooth comb. These are not secrets. This is right out in the open. These are not secret societies, these are companies in the MIC who profiteer from war and who own our mass media.
Lets look at number 3 Northop Grumman Corp.
They also have a hand in glove relationship with the government. They have been in the government.
Vic Fazio
Senior Advisor at Northrop
"Vic Fazio served as a Member of Congress for 20 years representing California's third congressional district. During that time, he served as a member of the Armed Services, Budget and Ethics Committees and was a member of the House Appropriations Committee where he served as Subcommittee Chair or ranking member for 18 years"
Kevin Sharner and Philip Frost both on the BOD at Northrop are or have been on the BOD of major Pharmaceutical companies. It just gets more nasty the more you look.
I will let you look up the rest on your own. Just grab some of the names from these list and look at their BODs. Needless to say they are all one happy corporate killing family. Nothing makes them more money than warfare. And nothing is currently a larger cash cow than the Zionist occupation of Palestine which also has the financing of super right wing Christian churches who get the benefit of air time from the networks for preaching the message that is best for the warmongers and investing their money into their stocks. More on that whole mess and the iron triangle here.
Multi-national corporations run our press and government. They tie back to the privately owned central banks. long story short the MSM is full of shit. Wanna to see more on the Military Industrial Complex?
Defense spending
Our senate voted on the new bill for Defense spending 100 for and 0 against it. That's 100% for giving more money to the MIC and ZERO opposition.
some interesting parts
(Sec. 8024) Authorizes DOD to incur obligations of up to $350 million for DOD military compensation, construction projects, and supplies and services in anticipation of receipts of contributions from the government of Kuwait. -source
(Sec. 8082) Earmarks specified RDT&E funds for producing Arrow missile components in the United States and Arrow missile components and missiles in Israel to meet Israel's defense requirements. -source
There was this Amendment, but it got rejected.
S.AMDT.4875 to H.R.5631 To increase by $200,000,000 the amount appropriated or otherwise made available by title IX for the purpose of supplying needed humanitarian assistance to the innocent Lebanese and Israeli civilians who have been affected by the hostilities between Hezbollah and the Government of Israel.
8/3/2006 Amendment SA 4875 ruled out of order by the chair -source click Amendments and go to the very bottom of the page.
They can spend money to build missile but not to help civilians wounded or left homeless by missiles Israel used of a civilian population in Lebanon. The Amendment said SIraeli and Lebanese civilians the problem being Lebanon had 2.5 billion damages and Israel specifically targeted civilian areas where as Hezbollah didn't.
And nothing is covered with more of a bias than the occupation of Palestine. THE KEY ISSUE. Watch a long film on that here or a short film here.
911 was a spring board for these on going wars. You already know why the press wont touch it. So WHO do you think took part in 911??? My answer here.
The MIC overlaps with the Zionism as half the CFRs are PNAC authors and all Zionist. The ugly 'Mega' Zionist Ricahrd Perle (PNAC founder) and the Super Zionist, wormy, five foot two Henry Kissinger (the first choice to head up the 911 commission whose credibility is so poor that he had to decline the offer) set up something called the Trireme Partners company. They raise venture capital from wealthy individuals and invest it into weapon companies, who they bet will get lucrative government contracts and thus raise their stock prices. But they know who getting the contracts, it's insider trading. The defense industries and the companies under that massive umbrella corporation normally have ties to government employees. Kissinger didn't call it insider trading, he called it 'guaranteed speculation'.
The Zionist feed into the MIC. And the conflict in Israel with basically the entire Middle East is a cash cow for the military investments. It creates the demand.
These companies are not simply just American companies, most of them are multi-national with no loyalties to anyone aside from whichever government is the current medium they can use to pipe them money. And the money awarded to the companies by the State issued (aka communism, yes Welcome to the USSA) contracts is not just the allocation of our tax money, the government is spending way more than that (even when military spending consist of over half our tax money!). They are borrowing money by buying bonds from the Federal Reserve, which they have to pay interest on, in order to pay for the MIC pork projects and blood for oil and ethnic cleansing campaigns. We have created a 8.5 trillion dollar national debt. The Central banks as you know are rooted back to the same Zionists who wrote the plans for foreign policy ("Project For A New American Century" and "A Clean Break") and collect from the investors. The largest investor of them all is not the wealthy individuals; it's the multi billion dollar tax free institutions more popularly known as Protestant Churches.
Here is where it gets nasty. Religion has been perverted. The Christian-crazies are the kind of Christians who get to be on TV because they promote what is profitable for the government and themselves, are bankrolling the Zionist occupation and the yummy military related conflicts/projects it creates. Sane Christians don't get to have a TV show like Pat Robertson. Obviously the corrupt churches who pocket money are the ones who are going to rise in voice and power that is a no-brainer.
These people then promote the bigotry behind the "settlements" and their racist attitudes. They can manipulate their flocks to vote for people like G.W. as they did in 2004 largely based on prejudice towards homosexuals. Christian Zionist have a happy alliance with the Jewish Zionists. They are not just using this to make money either. They are actually backwards enough that they believe all that "temple on the mount" rhetoric.
Tied to all of this is the corporate media and the banks. See the links. Wanna know what really happened on 911 go here. And no it was not satanic groups, the Vatican, or the "illuminati."
We have a multi layered problem in the US. The Media is corporately owned and the corporations are tied by the short hairs to the military industrial complex which are tied to the banks as they pat one another's backs.The military doesn't have to pay the banks the public does via taxes and inflation, so the military industries don't care. The other two layers are the equity firms and the religious institutions that use their wealth to inflate the stock market at the expense of killing children and ruining nations.
The solution is not easy. The first step however is to support alternative media like this site and others and if you are an American then you absolutely must vote in the coming congressional election. Here is a list of who is running on an anti-war ticket. Some of these are just "better than what you have now cases" and some are really good. All of them however are a step in the right direction. We need to bring these war pigs down.
Quite often, I hear this:
"This conspiracy thing can't be true. If it was, it would be on TV and in the newspapers"
"I read the newspapers every day, so I KNOW what is going on"!
If I get the chance, I reply with this: There is no such thing, at this date in the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
"There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinion to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. You know it and I know it. And what folly is this - toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
John Swinton - New York Times - New York Press Club
"The news and truth are not the same thing."
-Walter Lippmann, American journalist, 1889-1974
"News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising."
- Rubin Frank, former president NBC News
"We tell the people what they need to know, not what they want to know."
- Frank Sesno, CNN News *
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Saturday, November 24, 2007 by Maasanova
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