With the global awakening of what really happened on 9/11 surging ahead at full steam, many people are now aware of facts such as prior government knowledge of the attacks, the mysterious collapse of WTC 7, all of the military and terror drills going on at the same time of the attacks, and the possibility that WTC 1, 2 and 7 were brought down by controlled demolition, and not by fire.
What is not known by the majority of these people, but is as equally important as WTC 7 is the story of Urban Moving Systems. It is no surprise that the hidden history of Urban Moving Systems remains unknown to of the majority of the American population, and even within the 9/11 truth community, since it's story was never included in the official 9/11 Commission Report, and has been absent from all of the popular 9/11 "truth movies."
Please watch this seven minute video for more details:
click image to enlarge
The complaint also alleges that Suter violated the Mover's Act by, among other things, failing to provide Consumer Affairs the name of a current contact person or agent, not adequately responding to consumer requests for access to their belongings and not having an agent available for at least 20-30 per week to allow consumers access to their belongings.
The State of New Jersey, at the same time, filed a lawsuit in Hudson County Superior Court against Urban Moving Systems and its owner Dominick Suter alleging violations of both the State's Consumer Fraud Act and regulations set forth in the Public Movers and Warehousing Licensing Act. You can read more about that here.
typo in the line "What is not know by the majority of these people" should read "What is not KNOWN by the majority of these people".
Please fix. This is important information and I don't want it to be dismissed because of a typo.
what did they do to you - dud?
u so hate Israeli - it's just unbelievable, did u hashed your IP Address / they coming , watch your ass
I don't hate Israel.
Screw Isreal.
Where did you get the $166,250 figure? I can't find a source for that. The other figure is an SBA loan, so another question is how could these guys from Israel secure an SBA loan?? They arrive off the plane then get a loan? something is fishy.
So the $166,250... link or screenshot?
Nevermind here it is:
The real holocaust of six million is almost prepared. Six million are assembled and they are all guilty.
Light the burnt offering!
I detest Israel, for what they have done to the Palestinians, and for what they have done to us, the Americans. All those years, we supported Israel, sent them our good hard earned money, and this is how they repay us?
Let's be clear here...
Urban Moving Systems was involved in an espionage operation against the United States of America. This information you and I are not privy to, because..."Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.
Irregardless of that, using common sense and observing the maxim, "Who benefits?", you can plainly see that there was NO REASON AT ALL for any Arab Middle East denizens to have committed this attack upon the United States of America; if you'll recall, the world was eleven days away from censuring the conduct of Israel in regards to their treatment of the Palestinians.
All of a sudden, like magic, this attack occurs...but it wasn't magic...it was MISDIRECTION.
But there's ONE THING you learn from paying attention to forensics data:
The "indestructible" passports story
The shenanigans upon Flight 93 (Barbara Olsen's purported phone calls; "Mark Bingham" using his full name upon calling his mother; the "crash" itself; Rumsfeld spilling the beans, etc.)
Dominik Suter bailing on his business days after the event in question (he forfeited $50,000 in vacating fees, but considering the over half a million that he received, that is hardly a mitigating factor in his escape)
The black boxes not surviving (the ones that did had their data hidden from the public at large
The Osama bin Laden clones
Mohammed Atta
Jack Abramoff
Richard B. Cheney being whisked off to some "bunker", while the Monkey King sits in a classroom, exposing an ENTIRE SCHOOL to possible doom (but, of course, he and his Secret Service detail KNOW that they are in NO DANGER)
The bin Laden family members being flown out of the country, while air traffic for AMERICANS is suspended
CALEA/Comverse/Infosys/wiretapping/esctasy investigations gone awry
NORAD's stand down
The destruction of the tape of the events of the day by the ATC bu an "unknown" manager, who broke the tape into separate pieces, discarded into separate receptacles
Need I go on?
Don't be stupid - be HONEST about your dis-interest in the well-being of the United States of America...just get the hell out of here.
Quoting a comment left on Reddit in full:
This site states:
"Well, it is time for the story of Urban Moving Systems to become as commonly known as WTC7 and controlled demolitions to the American people".
The American people don't know this. Truthers keep thinking, incorrectly, that they speak for the country and that Joe Sixpack and family agree with them, and they don't. Stating completely, well, lets say, controversial issues as accepted fact is disingenuous, at least, something that is routinely practiced by truthers.
And there's a video. The video is apparently from the time of the WTC disaster but the audio track is what they want you to hear. One problem is that the audio clip is unrelated to the video clip. Strange tactic designed to lend credibility to the audio I suppose but not exactly honest.
We know what the video is about, what's the audio about? Who's talking? Where did this come from?
The audio clip mentions a 'remote controll plane', how do you tell that from the ground?
And it says that the bad guys actually had a truck full of explosives with a picture of a plane crashing into NYC? That's really hard to believe, what would be the point?
Further proof comes from an investigation that one of the truthers conducted through the internet. There's a web page from Fedspending.org which shows "9/11 - Federal Aid given to Mossad Fro"... now there's a smoking gun!
Except that's just a Firefox tab, nothing from fedspending.org. I'd be interested in what that tab said, anybody got an idea?
It seems that Urban Moving Systems received a Small Business Administration loan for almost $500,000 in 2001; that's just about exactly the same amount that the "1789 Smokey Mountain Fudge Shop" in Tennessee received that year, sounds sinister. Why would an Israeli intelligence operation need money from the SBA? $500,000 is chump change, please
Look for yourselves but be warned you'll need a lot of RAM, it's some 90,000 recipients for 2001, UMS is in good company.
Fedspending.org shows that the SBA paid out $14,369,986,494 to those 90,000 recipients. What does the fact that UMS received money from The Government Prove?
What does this site prove?
Edit: Busted! This is the big one, proof!!!
But wait, it gets even nastier. Urban Moving Systems was also a moving scam operation as well. In December of 2001, the State of New Jersey obtained a court order giving inspectors from Consumer Affairs access to the facility allowing all citizens who had goods stored at Urban Moving Systems' Weehawken warehouse access to retrieve their belongings.
Yes, a moving company indicted for a moving scam just exactly what you'd expect out of a Israeli undercover operation.
It's the Urban Moving warehouse in New Jersey that tested positive to Anthrax that gives me the willies.
Then let us see who comes to the aid of our dancing, smiley faced Mossad agents 911 but none other than Chertoff and and now AG Musakey.
Becareful with your fireworks today kids, BBC is about to confirm WTC7 came down at free fall speed because of isolated fire.
Don't taze me bro,
Okay...Anonymous not the fellow with a brain is his head) stated that, "It seems that Urban Moving Systems received a Small Business Administration loan for almost $500,000 in 2001; that's just about exactly the same amount that the "1789 Smokey Mountain Fudge Shop" in Tennessee received that year, sounds sinister."
You, sir, are a LIAR.
Follow this link: http://www.fedspending.org/faads/faads.php?recipient_name=1789+Smokey+Mountain+Fudge+Shop&sortby=r&detail=0&datype=T&reptype=r&database=faads&fiscal_year=2001&submit=GO
They're NOT EVEN LISTED as a recipient in 2001!
Do you kiss your mom with those lying lips?
You may not want to admit it...but the "19 hijacker" story is a COMPLETE FABLE..but critical thinkers are aware of that.
Having disproven that element of your story, the rest of your lies fail.
Just admit that you CAN'T be morally honest about what really happened.
Actually, the last poster is mistaken.
The link you have posted is to a search result for URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS INC - which retrieves only one result. Hence only 1 'recipient' in your link.
But if you follow this link to 'individual' recipients of loans in 2001, you will see Urban Moving Systems of NJ listed along with many, many many others.
I agree with the general list the last poster has following his statement "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT CRIME." but I don't think the connections to Urban Moving Systems based on the loan of $500K (of $125,005,062,227 which went out in loans the same year to recipients in the same category) are a solid link.
No need to call the guy a liar.
I think his logic is sound and those of us who seek the truth should be prepared for the possibilities that facts may not always support our agendas of suspicion (and hate?).
i believe the notion of holding Israel accountable for 911 is ridiculous. A nation that depends on American aid and cooperation has no rational motive for launching a full scale attack on it. Furthermore, the overwhelming evidence of usgov complicity and coordination suggest the strings were pulled and are being pulled from here, not from some sinister anti-American puppeteer court in Israel who cleverly framed alqaeda and duped all the evilbastards here (and as a diversion for a sketchy moving company in NJ? really?)
Assistance Search Results
(FY 2001)
Fiscal Year: 2001
Federal dollars: $125,005,062,227
The amount for this search is 6.9% of total Federal dollars for the fiscal year.
Total number of recipients: 104,891
Total number of transactions: 174,918
Very clever, Anonymous...you very quietly attempt to trot out the old canard of anti-semitism...but that dog doesn't hunt anymore, by dint of its legs having been sawed off.
You can dump all of the dollar figures here that you wish...but the ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS is the sum GIVEN to Dominik Suter.
He DIDN'T vanish to Israel after September 11th, 2001? Did we all have a mass hallucination that he ran away?
That piece of crap ran, because his five MOSSAD agents were BUSTED with evidence linking them DIRECTLY to the events of the day, and, not only did the vehicle retain evidence of explosive materials, the bloody warehouse had traces of the weaponized anthrax.
I watch EVERY ONE of these blogs...so don't think for a bloody SECOND that you can sneak in here and throw some shite upon the table and call it chocolate, mate.
I have only one comment........
not enough money. 600 plus would not have suppiled the computers and software to permit micro sequence detonation ..plus cordinate the nano thermite ignition..plus pay some CIA contractor to build the detonator system...sorry ....cannot blame Mossad or Palastine....
condor6 last bird alive from OP40...bet you cant de code my signature..
Looks like Suter and pals had more than 3 million to play with. That would have been enough.
I found this article while I was at home and out of curiosity decided to look up Urban Moving as I am their former bookkeeper and office manager. Being a first hand witness of what really went down in the office on that terrible day, I will swear on my life that no one working for that company had prior knowledge of the attacks. I was detained at the office the night the FBI came in to take the computers and was questioned to no end. I am not of Israeli descent, I was born and raised in New Jersey and would have no reason to lie as to what happened. The men who were detained were in fact in the US illegally as were hundreds of Israeli's who at that time would come to the US to work for several months, saving all of their earnings and would then travel to all parts of the world and live off the money they earned...On that morning as I arrived with the other girls who worked in the office three of the men were glued to a small television set that was kept in our dispatch office and the looks of disbelief on their faces immediately bothered me. At that point only the 1st plane had crashed and up to then I did not know what was going on...and then they said with blank looks on their faces that a plane had crashed into the WTC. At that point we scrambled to the warehouse to find a bigger television and we started trying to get whatever news we could from the internet. The fact that you could see everything from the roof of our building is irrelevant...most of New York could be seen from anywhere within a 10 miles scope of where the warehouse was. The fact that they were on the roof taking pictures, is also no proof that they had prior knowledge...anyone within viewing distance that had a camera was taking pictures and video taping what was going on. They were not on the roof cheering as was stated by the witness who contacted the police, as I at 1 point did have to go outside to call 1 of them down to assist me with something. The reason they were in the moving van was because they all lived in Brooklyn and as everyone knew at that time, access to New York was shut down. They were just driving around killing time and were planning to sleep in the warehouse on cots that were kept there for any long distance drivers that wanted to take a rest during a break. The reason that no one who had belongings in that storage area was not able to reach anyone at the office is because, since I was the last of the staff to remain, I was scared for my life to return to the office. I was receiving harassing phone calls thru the office line, several messages referred to us as "Sand Niggers" and the last draw for me was when one message stated that our building would be blown up. I was interrogated by FBI at my home, and had to be escorted by the police to my home the night the FBI raided the office because of the crowds of people outside and the threats that were being made. September 11, 2001 was a terrible terrible day in the history of the United States, but these people were not a part of what happened nor did they have any knowledge of what was going to happen any more than the rest of the United States. The fact that Urban Moving was listed on Movingscams.com only shows that they had problems and there are plenty of problems with moving companies and they are not the only company to be listed on that site. Dominik Suter and his family fled the U.S. because they feared for their lives and the lives of their 2 young sons, and the baby who was yet to be born. I am not saying in any way that Urban Moving was a perfect company, they were not, what I am saying is that there is little actual hard evidentiary proof that any one of the men detained, nor Dominik had anything to do with or had prior knowledge to the events that took place on September 11.
Here's what ALL of you REGARDLESS of your political beliefs need to google: Stranger Than Fiction 9/11.
Now let me tell you a little bit about who I am. I sound like some Leftist America hating hippie who likes to protest war just because I think its cute. WRONG, I used to be one of the flag waving masses who looked proudly at Israel and say "damn, those Israelis they don't take shit from anyone!" Well I've become enlightened to the fact that, although they may have a right to exist, they are like a CANCER on the United States of America. Don't believe me? google what I just told you to, that's ALL it takes.
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The real holocaust of six million is almost prepared. Six million are assembled and they are all guilty.
well done, Thanks for share this great info about it . Even most of the people doesn't know about it.
I detest Israel, for what they have done to the Palestinians, and for what they have done to us, the Americans. All those years, we supported Israel, sent them our good hard earned money, and this is how they repay us?
There is no doubt that Israel is behind 9/11. THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT ISRAEL FAKED ARAB COMPLICITY, AS A FALSE FLAG OPERATION.cheap jersey
False flags, yet another violation of our rights. The gov’t constantly violates our rights.
They violate the 1st Amendment by banning books like “America Deceived III”.
They violate the 2nd Amendment by banning guns.
Both parties are lawless.
Last link of “America Deceived III” before it is completely banned:
Great blog of these people, but is as equally important as WTC 7 is the story of Urban Moving Systems. It is no surprise that the hidden history of Urban Moving Systems remains unknown to of the majority of the American population.Thanks for sharing......
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Great blog of these people, but is as equally important as WTC 7 is the story of Urban Moving Systems.Thanks!
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